
How To Change Rear Shocks Ford Ranger

How to Replace Shocks on a Ford Ranger

by Robert Bayly

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Shock absorber prototype by Neryman from

The purpose of shock absorbers on your Ford Ranger is to dampen the oscillation, or bounciness, of the springs. Without shocks, your Ranger would bounce upwardly and down and go on doing so when you striking a bump. Worn shocks fail to properly dampen this and you will notice that the Ranger bounces two or three times when going over a bump. Worn shocks bear on handling and tin can outcome in unsafe driving conditions. If you lot have to swerve, for instance, 1 side volition dip and the other side will elevator, causing a dangerous weight shift. With the Ranger parked, if you push button down firmly on i corner over a bicycle, it should get down and come up back upward to the level position. If it goes down again by itself and comes back up, your shocks are worn.

Front end Shocks

Step 1

Gear up the parking brake. Loosen the lug nuts on both front end wheels one plow. Raise the front end of the Ranger with the jack and support with jack stands on each side of the frame. Remove the lug nuts and wheels. If you don't want to remove the wheels, you tin probably get plenty room by turning the steering wheel to the right to access the commuter's-side shock and to the left to access the passenger's-side shock.

Step 2

Remove the upper stupor retaining nut. Information technology is on top of the shock mounting bracket. You lot will need two wrenches, ane to turn the nut and one to concord the flat tip of the shock rod; otherwise, when you plow the nut, the rod volition spin. Remove the large washer and prophylactic insulator. Note how the washer fits over the insulator. The cupped (concave) side goes over the insulator. Annotation how the upper insulator sits on the shock. Information technology has 2 dissimilar sides. One is flat -- this side faces up. The other has a small-scale step -- it goes down.

Step three

Remove the lower shock mount. For early Rangers with a coil spring next to the shock, remove the retaining nut and washer at the lesser of the shock with a ratchet and socket. Note how the washer fits with the cupped (concave) side facing the shock. For later Rangers with torsion bar suspension, remove the ii nuts and washers that attach the bottom of the shock to the lower control arm.

Step four

Pull the bottom of the shock (on gyre spring model) off the mounting stud and remove the stupor. Compress the shock (on torsion bar models) so that the superlative of the daze rod comes down through the mounting hole. Slide out the shock. The top of the daze (both types) volition besides have a condom insulator on it. Annotation how it sits on the stupor. The flat side goes downward onto the shock. The stepped side will get upward against the mounting pigsty when yous supersede the shock. New shocks come with new insulators, washer and nut.

Footstep 5

Identify a safety insulator on the acme of the shock rod. The apartment side goes down against the shock. Compress the stupor slightly and insert the summit of the shock into the mounting pigsty. Push the bottom of the stupor onto the lower mounting stud (ringlet spring). Continue to compress the shock and position the studs on the lesser of the shock into their holes (torsion bar).

Footstep 6

Install the washer and nut (coil spring) on the lower end of the daze and tighten downwardly. Install the two washers and nuts on the bottom of the shock (torsion bar) and tighten down. Install the rubber insulator over the peak of the shock rod (both types) with the apartment side upward. Install the washer. Install and tighten downward the upper retaining nut. Tighten the nut until the rubber insulator is pressed out to the same size as the washer.

Replace the wheels and install the lug nuts (if you removed them). Snug downward the lug nuts. Raise the Ranger, remove the jack stands and lower the Ranger to the basis. Tighten the lug basics.

Rear Shocks

Footstep 1

Place wheel chocks in forepart of each front tire. Heighten the rear of the Ranger and support with jack stands on each side of the beam at virtually the middle of each beam tube. It is not necessary to remove the wheels.

Step two

Remove the upper shock mount nut and washer. Note the position of the washer. The cupped (concave) side of the washer faces the shock. Remove the lower stupor mountain nut and washer.

Footstep iii

Remove the lower daze mounting commodities. Pull the daze out of the lower mounting bracket. Remove the pinnacle of the shock from the mounting stud.

Step 4

Push button the upper stop of the shock onto the mounting stud. Install the washer and nut but exercise not tighten downwards nevertheless. Push the bottom of the shock upwardly and into the lower mounting bracket. Install the commodities, washer and nut. Tighten the lower nut. Tighten the upper nut.

Raise the rear of the Ranger, remove the jack stands and lower the Ranger.

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